Landen's Gallery
Creations of Virginia T. Gailey & Landen Gailey
I love texture and color!  I am fascinated with the interactions of heat and metal and heat and glass.  I am happiest spending time with torch or kiln.  I do conventional metalsmithing and embrace new processes of the Metal Clays.  My lifelong obsession with found objects and the fossil and mineral mysteries of the earth finds experssion in my work.
Pups & Ponies
Fine Silver & Enamel
collection of Joan Kershner
Fine Silver, Sunstone, Carnelian, Sterling Silver,

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ClHematite, Fine Silverer
Woven Silver Clay with patina
Carnelian, Enamel, Fine & Sterling Silver
Moonstone, Enamels, Fine & Sterling Silver, Blue Lace Agate
Fine Silver, Labrarorite
Fine & Sterling Silver, Dichroic Glass, Cubic Zirconia
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